Marketing Advertising

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Knowledge of the advertising bases will begin by defining and finding out what the concept of advertising is.

The Declaration is a special activity that accompanys humankind throughout its history of development.

The word " Relama " came from Latin reclamare, which means " screaming " . As a term defining a specific activity, namely advertising, it appeared in the second half of XVIII.

The nature of the advertisement cannot be clearly defined. It happens because advertising combines art with its specific laws, Sciencewhich emerged from the interface of psychology, mathematics, statistics, logistics, sociology and a number of other sciences, and of course is one of the main instruments of modern marketing. I mean, commercials are triple by nature.

Definition of advertising

The first definition belongs to the American Marketing Association: " Rocklama is any feeble form of misrepresentation and promotion of ideas or services on behalf of a well-known sponsor. " This definition reflects the essential function of advertising - the possibility of conveying information from an advertiser to a target audience without having direct contact with a potential buyer, i.e. advertising is inaccurate.

The broader and comprehensive definition of advertising that we will consider to be a basic one is set out in Federal Act No. 38-F3 of 13 March 2006 on advertising: " Reclama - information disseminated by any means, in any form and by any means, addressed to an uncertain circle of persons and aimed at drawing attention to the subject of advertising, shaping or maintaining interest in it and promoting it in the market " (art. 3).

In the future, we will use the wording of this Act, as it is fundamental to all publicity activities in our country.

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