Mass Advertising

Criticism of theory and practice of burgeois " mass culture "
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Chapter IV. Advertisement and “mass culture”

It is not possible to speak of a " mass culture " , without advertising, to this powerful media of social consciousness in modern capitalist countries. Mass culture and advertising are linked to close ties. In all differences, both have common ideological functions and are actively supported by each other. It will not be exaggerated to say that “mass culture”, as it exists today, would not be possible without the assistance and support of advertising, nor would advertising have received such development without the participation of “major culture”, Of course, the phenomenon of modern advertising is extremely complex and has many aspects, including economic, trade, demand and supply-side formation, purchasing interests, etc. Without addressing all these issues, we will turn only to those parties in advertising that will link it to a " mass culture " .
What's the difference between advertising and the media culture?
First of all, their kinship is manifested in the community of ideological functions. The advertisement, like the masculine culture, creates a non-critical, consumer consciousness, so-called consumerism. Both are convenient, technically equipped and psychologically proven means of manipulating public consciousness.
According to O. A. Feofans, " the link between advertising and culture is the most direct. Moreover, advertising is itself part of the " mass culture " and its principles are widely used in all its genres. That is understandable: “mass culture” — the creation of “community of consumption”, and any object thereof must have a commercial, market value, for


Its consumption is determined by the laws of demand and supply, the laws of the market. In this regard, each " mass culture " facility should have a " built-in " advertisement that facilitates its implementation, sale ... As a part of pop culture and with all the relevant characteristics of this phenomenon, the burial advertisement is a distinct " pop propaganda " . And that's her main purpose.'
Another common feature of advertising and " mass culture " is that both have the ability to trivialize, i.e. simplify and median awareness. Any value they can turn into banality. ♪ ♪

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