Internet Advertising Market Development

Internet Relama (Rose market)
Структура рынка и основные

In 2016, the Internet relay will show the worst growth since 2010.

ZenithOptimedia predicts that, as a result of 2016, the Russian advertising market will increase by 4 per cent compared with last year ' s results to 320 billion roubles. In addition, the Internet workshops will have 32 per cent (106, 7 billion roubles). That's what I'm talking about.

The analysts note that while the Internet Relama is supposed to be the driver of the advertising market as a whole, this segment will show the weakest growth rate (+10 per cent), the lowest in the past six years. This is related to the reduction of the market in context advertising.

However, Internet-based videos can offset the decline in the growth rate of the context advertising, which currently accounts for 80 per cent of the total Internet budget.

Previously, company analysts predicted that the growth of the entire Russian advertising market would be 314 billion. However, the projection was later revised to 320 billion. At the same time, the 6-million-dollar growth was entirely on the television segment.

* Map of the Internet Marketing Ecosystem in Russia

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Yandex: Fall in media advertising due to the war in Ukraine

In the second quarter of 2014, Yandex first recorded a fall in the proceeds of the banner sales. In April and June 2014, the Yandex proceeds from the median Internet relays (banners, windows and other similar formats) on their own sites fell by 16 per cent, to 674 million roubles.

The results of the " Yandex " in the media advertising segment are much better than that of many other Internet sites, according to Maxim Osipov, the IMHO Vi Sails Director (selling, inter alia, on Ramblere, Ontact). According to the director of the Resolution Agency, Wadim Melnikov, the overall cost of media advertising declined by 15 per cent in the second quarter of 2014. In Melnikov ' s view, there was a decline in the context advertising segment by 5 per cent.

“Medical advertising is chosen by large advertisers, often international, reminds Libin. - They reduce advertising budgets or delay money until the macroeconomic situation stabilizes. "
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