History Of Advertising In 1990 1995

Portable gambling history
Правда, к началу 1990-х годов
imageHello, Habr!

The list of consoles this time:

  • Brick Game
  • Sega Nomad
  • Game.com
  • Visual Memory Unit for DreamCast
  • Neo Geo Pocket
  • Neo Geo Pocket Color
  • WonderSwan
  • WonderSwan Color

Brick Game

I wonder if there are people on the Habre who never played Brick Game? In the simplicity, this toy was called Tetris. I kept it from two to infinity. As recently proved, you can finish Tets to increase the number of games-- read this Habra Post.

Works for two finger batteries. The de facto forms are wild: the Chinese are now stalking it under other consoles and cell phones. And, of course, a classic “kirpic”, so popular in the 1990s in Russia. I'm still selling.

The toy population declined because of other consoles.

Sega Nomad

About Sega Game Gear, I told you last article, but Sega Nomad missed. Although this is now one of the most popular rhettotic consoles, as noted by one of the readers.

imageSega Nomad left in 1995 at a cost of $180. Only about a million copies sold.

The console is equipped with a colour display of 3, 5 inch and a swap compartment for six pallet batteries.

One of her main features is the absence of games specifically designed for her. Instead, cartridges were to be inserted into the console from the regular Sega Mega Drive/Genesis home. I think that's what many of Sega's owners wanted. In addition, it was possible to connect the attachment to the TV, to insert a regular joystick from the sega to a special port, and to play in two. I wonder if even when you're on TV, you can watch the game.

Virtual Boy

Virtual Boy, published in 1994 by Nintendo, is also a portable consol. Although for this console, there was still a table, and when you move, you can't use it because it blocks peripheral vision.

It was Nintendo's first console, capable of a three-dimensional schedule. It uses a technology similar to the " virtual reality stitch " - putting your face in a device, and two monochrome (black red) projector transmits the image separately for each eye.

imageThe system has a resolution of 384x224 points, although it does not contain a complete secular matrix with such authorization. Instead, two lines 1x224 are moving at a high speed.

The system was expected to fail. Users mostly had necks. And the black red picture wasn't happy.


Portable Consul Game.com came out in 1997. The only 300,000 copies sold were results. But, however, a number of interesting things, this toy in itself,

(1) A sensory black-and-white dispensation with control of the countervailer.
(2) Two cartridges.
(3) Module interface.
(4) It's possible to connect to the rod.

There was a stilus in the kit: it's down on the front panel.

A review of the consoles in English.

Among the games produced for this console were Duke Nukem 3D, Mortal Kombat Trilogy and Resident Evil 2. This video is Resident Evil 2. Yeah, yeah, on the black and white display.

imageVisual Memory Unit for DreamCast

In 1998, there is a fifth Sega company, named DreamCast. Visual Memory Unit is produced for her. The map is not quite ordinary: it is equipped with a liquid crystal monochromous dispensation with a resolution of 48 x 32 points, and the opportunity to play it directly in mini games. In the case of Resident Evil, health was shown on the map, so there was no need to go to the menu " Weapons " during the game. VMU was inserted directly into the jawstick.

Example of the use of VMU in the Sakura Wars III game.

Pocket Station from Sony

Another example of the use of the memory map as a separate player is the Pocket Station device produced by Sony in 1999.

The device is equipped with liquid crystal display and dynamics. There's also a clock and a calendar. Users can exchange information with an infrared port. Pocket Station's toys are recorded from the game discs.

Permission of a monochromous display is 32 x 32 points.

Pocket Station was released on the Japanese market and did not appear in Europe and the United States.

Mimish ad with a monkey.

Neo Geo Pocket

Neo Geo Pocket Portal Consul was released in Japan and several other Asian countries in 1998 and did not see European and American markets. She lived until 1999 when she was replaced by a colored version.

The supply used the 16-bit Toshiba TLCS-900H processor operating at 6, 14 MHz. The dispensation was 256x256 points.

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