Publicity History

History of advertising
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The very first written history documents already indicate the existence of advertising texts. At the excavation of Mediterranean countries, archaeologists have found signs of various events and commercial proposals. In 3320, before our age, the ivory traders in Egypt attracted buyers through such texts: " The Czechs, very cheap this year ' s year ' s noble horizon of the Echecto virgin forests. Come to me, the people of Memphis, get down, have a look and buy. " The Romans have written the walls with gladiator war announcements, the Finicians have painted rocks along the routes of different kinds of poles, and have been transporting their goods in these transcripts. In ancient Greece, for the residents of Athens, there was a " bright " song: " If the eyes were shined, so that the cheeks would be kept long, a reasonable woman would buy cosmetics at reasonable prices at Exliptos. " The walls of the houses of Pompey have been marked by the following: Come on, get out of here to the 12th tower. That's where Sarinas keeps his wine cellar. Look over there. Goodbye! Each lacquer had its distinctive sign on the facade: the dairy is the image of the goat, the wine is an amphorus with the wine that two people were wearing, the bakery is a mill with a mule.


Points in turn commercial history It was 1,450 when Johann Guttenberg invented a printed statue. The advertisers were no longer required to produce additional copies of their advertisements manually. The first written announcement in English appeared in 1476. In 1622, advertisements received a strong boost in the form of the first English-language newspaper Weekly news. Later, another newspaper, Tetler, has already advised the authors of publicity announcements: " The great art of advertising is to find the right approach in order to capture the reader ' s attention, without which good weight may be unnoticed or lost among bankruptcy notices " . The most flourishing advertising has been in the United States. The publication of Benjamin Franklin, called the father of American advertising, Ghazett, the first time in 1729, was the largest circulation and volume of promotional texts among all colonial American newspapers.

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